Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Michael Crawford at Slapstick Festival April 8th 2016 Bristol

With Bristol's highly popular Annual Slapstick Festival continuing this year with some of Comedy's greatest Icons, Michael Crawford will be at St George's hall on April 8th in discussion about playing the role of the significantly clumsy yet highly cherishable Frank Spencer. Who in 1973 became one of Television's most popular onscreen characters in the classic comedy series "Some mother's do av em" (1973-78), especially in the notorious scene where a day out for Frank at an indoor rollerskating rink goes terribly wrong for all the right reasons, making Crawford a celebrity icon around the UK and inspiring comedians for generations to come.

He is considered to most people the Jackie Chan of Visual Comedy and is a title worthy to this status due to his dedication and passion into making the nation laugh out loud with his own array of dangerous yet highly amusing stunt performances that would make anybody's toes curl. He has also been involved in popular musicals such as The Wizard of Oz and the Phantom of the Opera gaining Multiple theatre awards for best acting performance.

Crawford will also be presented in the evening with the Aardman Slapstick Visual comedy award by the Festival organizers and Aardman animations. If you want to be a part of celebrating this fantastic evening event then tickets are on sale now and are available on the St Georges hall website.

                         JOIN THE FUN !
Go to the Webpage below for more information.

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