Saturday, 19 March 2016

Ridiculous rant #1 (17/3/16) *Contains bad mouth words*

Alright people of the Blogging world and beyond ?

Gabe here with just a little mix to the whole blog thing, where I rant about something very silly but something you all probably think is annoying in our everyday lives. Mind you this is a Joke and I really do not hate Bartenders.

So today's rant is about...... Ice in Drinks

I am not joking when I say this but I find it a great pain in the ass when a Bar tender in a restaurant automatically assumes that you like incredibly diluted fizzy drinks with an added Lemon wedge that looks suspiciously re used as it supposedly makes the drink look more appetising.
But honestly it doesn't and I cannot win, every time I ask for no Ice what do I get ? That's right folks you guessed it. Fucking Ice !
Floating at the top saying what up Gabe hows your day going mind if I piss you off with my presence ?

Its just an irritating part of life that can get on mostly everyone's nerves and beyond. Now your probably wondering in your head this has been ranted about before etc, but really its something that has been bugging me for years and enough is enough before we know it, all of our fizzy beverages will one day become just a watery mess of disappointment and tears.

Another thing that really shakes my Doritos is when you say can I have a Glass of Coke at the Bar and as the person serving you is pouring the drink, you see the tap says Pepsi written in big letters. But before you can say anything your drink is poured and all you can do is pay for your beverage and look at the bartender take your cold hard cash whilst you sulk back to your seat and wait for your food to arrive.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Official Graphic Novel Plans (13/3/16)

Alright People of Earth ?

Ok so here is the story for my Graphic Novel.


Meet Locky Thorne , your average 18 year old young man raised by a loving family and taught the wisdom and essential skills of survival and self defense by his Father. Till one day at the market his life is flipped upside down when he meets a strange man called Suda claiming that he is in fact the son of the worlds most dangerous deceased Warlord Baldric Von Melody.

Little does Locky know that he is the key to Melody's Inheritance of  Wealth and the Eire to an Empire built on corruption and misery which is only accessible through a DNA lock, in other words Locky is the only person who can gain access through just a drop of blood. He must go on the Journey of travelling to the Melody Empire for his birthright but the all important question remains. 
Will Locky continue his fathers deadly legacy or stand up for the millions of peoples lives his father ruined ? 

Mind you this is a demo of what I want the story to be about and it is likely to change especially the Title. I hope that what I have come up with is something that is interesting and also feel free to leave a comment on the Blog or send me an inbox message on the Facebook page for some constructive criticism it would be very appreciated. 

There will be more announced about characters but I am trying to keep it as low profile as possible as Im paranoid of people stealing my stuff sounds dumb I know.

Anyway av a good day and take care 

-Gabe :3

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Awesome talk time ! (11/3/16)

Alright you lot ?

I recently (well 3 weeks ago actually) went to a little rental store on Christmas steps called 20th Century Flicks, I just found the flyer they gave me lying around in my room and thought it would be a good idea to write about it now.

You may think this is an over exaggeration when saying this but I'm being completely honest, it is one of the best independent shops on the high street today in my opinion . As just walking into the small shop is like walking into a Tardis accept this Tardis is filled with DVD's , VHS Tapes and a round table surrounded with directors chairs in the middle of the shop. they sell hot drinks too. But what makes this little shop a great place to visit for me is that the people who run the store are cool and also the titles that are rentable are ones that you can rarely ever find in a regular mainstream DVD shop which is brilliant. They also do purchasable films as well which I was especially pleased when I managed to pick up Darren Aronofsky's debut film PI for 2 quid. What is also awesome is that they have their own cinema room with a capacity of 11 seats so its great for inviting your friends to go and watch a good film together.
I would defiantly recommend this store to any enthusiastic movie fan or Independent shop obsessionist in Bristol, or anywhere on Earth really to be honest because it is a shop booming with Character in Bristol's most historic streets that still stands with pride and heritage today.

You wont be disappointed. (Although it depends what your looking for really ).
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ALSO ! my college friend has got a Youtube channel called SirJackW , if your into Undertale animation sketches and other gaming shenanigans then check him out :3. (And I did not mean check HIM out literally that would be weird).

But for the meantime stay tuned for now as the news about the graphic novel will be revealed soon. 

Have a great day :3

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Small Update 08/3/16

Hello , Gabe here.
Just a quick reminder that I have created a Facebook page with the same name , so if you are interested in the Bloggingness then go and check out the Facebook page ! It will continue to have Bristol related events mentioned such as Slapstick Festival so don't fret.

At the moment I am under going the plan of making a graphic novel project with my friend but it is currently in pre-planning and will be updated via blogger when time passes and also when a story has been pulled out from my Brain. I find the Witty Guild a good place to update this project as I can maintain it easily.
But for the meantime stay tuned with what is to come of the year (if you want to that is , its your choice).

Gabe :3

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

My Slapstick Festival Experience

I have been going to the Slapstick festival for over 3 years now, ever since 14 year old me was dragged along to the Old Vic by his Dad to go and watch some rare Buster Keaton flicks hosted by Bill Oddie. I was both excited as I knew who Bill Oddie was and nervous as I didn't know what to expect from the actual event. Ever since then its been an annual thing for me and my family to go each year especially this time around in 2016 when I got the chance to see Steven Merchant talk about his top comedy moments at the St Georges Hall and get a photo/autograph by him afterwards.

He was a really nice bloke and took the time for his fans which is what makes this Festival great. Everyone who is involved with the festival are incredibly polite , welcoming and take time out to chat with others who are massive fans of their work.

My fondest memory's of slapstick was that  I got the privilege of meeting Writer/Comedian Barry Cryrer as well as receiving an autograph from him before going to see a talk with Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer at the Old Vic theatre. Another fond memory I have of Slapstick is where I met Nick Park from Aardman the creator of the worldwide animated popular duo Wallace and Gromit.
Yes I am wearing the same Jacket. I like this Jacket.

But really the whole Festival is very chilled out, with famous creative people mingling with the general public and just generally enjoying themselves.