Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Small Update 08/3/16

Hello , Gabe here.
Just a quick reminder that I have created a Facebook page with the same name , so if you are interested in the Bloggingness then go and check out the Facebook page ! It will continue to have Bristol related events mentioned such as Slapstick Festival so don't fret.

At the moment I am under going the plan of making a graphic novel project with my friend but it is currently in pre-planning and will be updated via blogger when time passes and also when a story has been pulled out from my Brain. I find the Witty Guild a good place to update this project as I can maintain it easily.
But for the meantime stay tuned with what is to come of the year (if you want to that is , its your choice).

Gabe :3

1 comment:

  1. *Not sure why the first comment deleted*
    You're such a stereotypical British citizen, "stay tuned with what is to come of the year, i mean.... if... you want to" hahaha brilliant!
